eduGAIN isFederated Check - Organisations in eduGAIN

List and search on this page for all organisations whose users should be able to access eduGAIN services.

Description and Features

List and Search Organisations in eduGAIN

The isFederated check also allows you to find out if a user or organisation is in eduGAIN or to list all known production academic identity federations. The data to compose the results below is updated once per day.

Search by Country: Federation: Organisation:

Organisations in eduGAIN matching search criteria: Organisations

AAI@eduHr Federation, Croatia (hr)

AAIEduMk Federation, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of (mk)

ACOnet Identity Federation (, Austria (at)

ARNaai Federation, Algeria (dz)

ArnesAAI Federation, Slovenia (si)

Australian Access Federation, Australia (au)

AzScienceNet Identity Federation, Azerbaijan (az)

BIF, Bulgaria (bg)

Belnet Federation, Belgium (be)

CAF Federation, Canada (ca)

CAFe Federation, Brazil (br)

CARSI, China (cn)

COFRe Federation, Chile (cl)

DELOS federation (GRNET AAI), Greece (gr)

DFN-AAI Federation, Germany (de)

Edugate Federation, Ireland (ie)

FEBAS Federation, Belarus (by)

FEIDE Federation, Norway (no)

FIDERN, Zambia (zm)

Fédération Éducation-Recherche, France (fr)

GakuNin Federation, Japan (jp)

HKAF Federation, Hong Kong (hk)

Haka Federation, Finland (fi)

IDEM Federation, Italy (it)

INFED Federation, India (in)

IR Federation, Iran, Islamic Republic of (ir)

IUCC Identity Federation, Israel (il)

InCommon Federation, United States (us)

KAFE Federation, Korea, Republic of (kr)

KRENA Identity Federation, Kyrgyzstan (kg)

LAIFE Federation, Latvia (lv)

LEAF Federation, Moldova, Republic of (md)

LIAF, Sri Lanka (lk)

LITNET FEDI Federation, Lithuania (lt)

MINGA Federation, Ecuador (ec)

Maeen Identity Federation, Saudi Arabia (sa)

OMREN, Oman (om)

Oman KID, Oman (om)

PEANO Federation, Ukraine (ua)

PIONIER Federation, Poland (pl)

RASH, Albania (al)

RCTSaai Federation, Portugal (pt)

RoEduNetID, n/a (net)

SAFIRE Federation, South Africa (za)

SGAF Federation, Singapore (sg)

SIFULAN, Malaysia (my)

SIR Federation, Spain (es)

SURFconext Federation, Netherlands (nl)

SWAMID Federation, Sweden (se)

SWITCHaai Federation, Switzerland (ch)

SafeID Federation, Slovakia (sk)

TAAT Federation, Estonia (ee)

TIGERfed, Bangladesh (bd)

Tuakiri New Zealand Access Federation, New Zealand (nz)

UK Access Management Federation, United Kingdom (uk)

WAYF Federation, Denmark (dk)

YETKİM, Turkey (tr), n/a (africa) Federation, Czech Republic (cz) Federation, Hungary (hu), Morocco (ma)

iAMRES, Serbia (rs)

Note: Even though the list above should be quite accurate, it is not 100% correct. This is partly due to some identity federations not publishing all their Identity Providers in SAML2 metadata. For these so-called hub&spoke federations the organisations are parsed from the federation's web site, which is not always accurate. Also, users from organisations in hub&spoke federations may not have direct access to all eduGAIN services without an administrator of that organisation first granting access to a particular service.