In order to join eduGAIN, Federations need to provide all of the information decribed below.

All information should be sent to the eduGAIN Team by email to

Registration information and any future updates SHOULD be sent to the eduGAIN Team by mail signed with a personal certificate issued by either one of the GEANT TCS CAs, a CA accredited by IGTF, commercial CAs accredited by the CA/B Forum. If you are not able to sign mail with such certificates please contact the eduGAIN Support to define another secure communications channel.

Contact email

Establishing operational contact between a federation and the eduGAIN eduGAIN Support is the necessary first step. Such a contact may also be necessary in the future, when resolving technical problems. For security related issues incidents we recommend using a separate contact - see below.

Security contact (highly recommended)

The security contact will be used to manage security incidents and to share information about potential threats. It is expected that the security contact is able to maintain a level of confidentiality suited to the information received. An email address is the minimum required, but a telephone number and a URL are welcome.

Signing declaration

Collect the Declaration text from here. Printed Declaration must be signed by a person authorized to represent the Federation. Signed Declatation should be sent to the postal address of the eduGAIN Team:

eduGAIN c/- GÉANT, 6B, Nieuw Amsterdam
Hoekenrode 3
1102 BR Amsterdam-Zuidoost
The Netherlands

Please also send a scan of the declaration to the eduGAIN Team mail:

Metadata source and signing certificate

eduGAIN presents a metadata aggregate which is created from metadata pulled from sources supplied by participating federations. eduGAIN Operations Team needs to have the URL to your metadata and a signing certificate which enures that the metadata is genuine.

The transfer of the certificate will be organised on a case-by-case basis, the primary channel being signed mail.

Governance delegate and deputy

eduGAIN is governed by the Assembly. Each partcipating federation must delegate two members - a delegate and a deputy. Please send names and e-mail addresses to the

Federation page

Provide a URL pointing to the main page of your Federation (preferably in English).


Provide a URL pointing to the English version of your Federation Policy.

Registration practice statement

Provide a URL pointing to the English version of Metadata Registration practice statement for your federation. This document shall describe rules and procedures used for registering entities which get exposed to interfederation.

If in doubt consult documents provided by other federations and available through the Members page.