Documentation of eduGAIN database access API

Method: show_global_history


Show global eduGAIN history. In no data, start_date, end_date arguments are specified, the current day is used

Supported formats: json, print_r

Arguments used:

date (optional)
default: today
allowed values: Any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD is allowed.
The data for the single date is shown. If this argument is present then start_date and end_date are not taken into account.
start_date (optional)
allowed values: Any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD is allowed.
The data starting from this date is shown. This argument is diregarded in the presence of the date argument.
end_date (optional)
allowed values: Any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD is allowed.
The data until this date is shown. This argument is diregarded in the presence of the date argument.
details (optional)
default: 0
allowed values: 1 - show history details, any other value is mapped to 0
not_empty (optional)
default: 0
allowed values: 0 - no filter, 1 - apply filter
Show only those history entires that have enitiy count filled in (older statistics are not complete)
format (optional)
default: json
allowed values: any supported format


show current numbers
show history since 2023-01-01
show history since 2023-01-01 with more details

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