Documentation of eduGAIN database access API

Method: show_entity_history


Show a count or list of entities that have appeared in eduGAIN in a given period of time. Entities that have appeared and also vanished in this perion and have been never seen again, are not counted unless specifically asked for. The list/count can be limited to a given role of and entity (IdP, SP, AA-only).

Supported formats: json, print_r

Arguments used:

type (optional)
default: 7
allowed values: 7 - all entities; 4 - IdPs only; 2 - SPs only; 1 - standalone AAs only.
limits the results to a givien entity type
opt (optional)
default: 0
allowed values: 0, 1, 2
with value 0 only show entities present in the current feed, with value 1 also show entities which have been withdrawn, with value 2 show withdrown entites only.
start_date (optional)
allowed values: Any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD is allowed.
The data starting from this date is shown. This argument is diregarded in the presence of the date argument.
end_date (optional)
allowed values: Any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD is allowed.
The data until this date is shown. This argument is diregarded in the presence of the date argument.
show_list (optional)
allowed values: Not set or 0 - show only the count; any value except 0 - show the list of entities.
The data until this date is shown. This argument is diregarded in the presence of the date argument.
e_id (optional)
allowed values: any string
Input for the entity search. If this is set then the start_date will be set to the beginning of history, type set to 7, opt set to 1, show_lost set to 1.
format (optional)
default: json
allowed values: any supported format


full history
show the list of withrown entities since 2022-01-01

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