[1] => mdui:UIInfo with DisplayName found but Description not present
[2] => mdui:UIInfo found but neither DisplayName nor Description present
[3] => RequestedAttribute element not found
[4] => mdrpi:RegistrationInfo without registrationInstant found
[5] => mdui:UIInfo not found, no DisplayName and Description present
[6] => OrganizationURL does not have the English version
[7] => mdui:UIInfo with Description found but DisplayName not present
[8] => Organization block not found
[9] => mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy not found
[10] => OrganizationName does not have the English version
[11] => OrganizationDisplayName does not have the English version
[12] => ContactPerson found but no technical type
[13] => EmailAddress for ContactPerson not found
[14] => mdattr:EntityAttributes element appears more than once within a given element
[15] => Entity has no signing certificate
[16] => SIRTFI attribute declared but no appropriate md:ContactPerson set
[17] => CoCo declared but RequestedAttribute element not found
[18] => Indexes in AssertionConsumerService elements are not unique
[19] => ContactPerson not found (see eduGAIN Metadata Profile lines 49-64)
[20] => ContactPerson not found (see eduGAIN Metadata Profile lines 49-64)
[21] => mdattr:EntityAttributes placed in Extensions element of SPSSODescriptor, expected in the Extensions element of EntityDescriptor
[22] => mdattr:EntityAttributes placed in Extensions element of IDPSSODescriptor, expected in the Extensions element of EntityDescriptor
[23] => CoCo declared but PolicyStatementURL and RequestedAttribute elements not found
[24] => CoCo declared, RequestedAttribute found but PolicyStatementURL element not found
[25] => CoCo declared, RequestedAttribute found but PrivacyStatementURL element not found
[26] => Binding urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect in AssertionConsumerService is invalid
[27] => Entity has a wrong signing certificate
[28] => md:EmailAddress in md:ContactPerson element should start with mailto: prefix
[29] => mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element
[30] => mdui:UIInfo with mdui:DisplayName found but mdui:Description not present
[43] => mdrpi:UIInfo/DisplayName has wrong language tag '
[32] => SP has no encryption certificate
[33] => mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element
[34] => md:EmailAddress in md:ContactPerson element should start with mailto: prefix
[35] => mdui:Logo content size is larger than 40000 and smaller than 50000 characters
[36] => mdui:Logo content size is 50000 or more characters
[37] => mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy not found
[38] => mdui:UIInfo with mdui:DisplayName found but mdui:Description not present
[39] => mdui:UIInfo not found, no DisplayName and Description present
[40] => mdui:UIInfo found but mdui:DisplayName not present
[41] => SP has a wrong signing certificate
[42] => Data Protection Code of Conduct declared but no mdui:PrivacyStatementURL found
[44] => R&S Category declared but the SP does not provide required mdui:InformationURL
[45] => mdui:UIInfo / mdui:Description does not have English value
[46] => shibmd:Scope with no regexp attribute
[47] => mdattr:EntityAttributes element contains saml:AttributeValue with leading/trailing whitespaces
[48] => mdattr:EntityAttributes element contains duplicated saml:Attribute / saml:AttributeValue declaration (name, value
[49] => mdui:UIInfo / mdui:DisplayName does not have English value
[50] => SIRTFI attribute present and security ContactPerson definition found but contact type not
[51] => SIRTFI attribute present but no security ContactPerson definition found
[52] => SIRTFI attribute present and security ContactPerson definition found but contact type not http[s]
[53] => Wrong SIRTFI namespace declared, should be instead of
[54] => Wrong SIRTFI namespace declared, should be instead of
[55] => Wrong SIRTFI namespace used, xmlns: is not declared
[56] => md:SingleSignOnService/md:SingleLogoutService element contains empty Location/Binding attribute
[57] => mdattr:EntityAttributes placed in md:Extensions element of IDPSSODescriptor, expected in md:Extensions element of md:EntityDescriptor
[58] => mdattr:EntityAttributes element contains duplicated saml:Attribute / saml:AttributeValue declaration (name, value
[59] => R&S Category declared with wrong Name attribute value, should be Name='' instead of ''
[60] => mdui:UIInfo found but neither mdui:DisplayName nor mdui:Description present
[61] => mdattr:EntityAttributes element contains duplicated saml:Attribute / saml:AttributeValue declaration (name, value
[62] => Data Protection Code of Conduct Category declared with wrong Name attribute value, should be Name='' instead of ''
[63] => R&S Category declared but the SP does not provide any technical contact
[64] => mdui:UIInfo not found, no mdui:DisplayName, mdui:Description and mdui:Logo present
[65] => R&S Category declared with wrong Name attribute value, should be Name='' instead of ''
[66] => mdui:UIInfo not found, no mdui:DisplayName and mdui:Logo present